Nielsen Ford of Morristown

Oct 6, 2023

There’s hardly any better feeling than the thrill of an upcoming journey on the open road. But even the most trustworthy car occasionally needs a little pick-me-up, and many times it’s the battery that’s asking for some TLC. If you’re scratching your head wondering if it’s time to head to your Ford dealer for a new car battery, we’ve got the lowdown right here.

Silence or Clicking on Startup

Do you remember that unmistakable roar that your car used to make every time you turned the key? If now all you get is a faint sputter, or even worse, an ominous silence or a series of rapid clicks, it’s probably your battery crying out for help. Just like when you’re too tired to get out of bed, your battery might be too drained to power up your car.

Lights, But Not Much Action

Your car’s headlights are a good gauge of battery health. If they’re dimmer than a candle-lit dinner, even when the engine’s running, the battery could be on its way out. And if the internal lights or dashboard seem fainter than usual, that’s another clue.

Age Is Not Just a Number

If you’ve been rocking the same battery for over four years, give yourself a pat on the back! But also, it might be time to consider a change. Car batteries typically last between 3 to 5 years. Like that carton of milk in the back of the fridge, it’s better to check if it’s past its prime.

That Bloated Look

Ever left a plastic bottle in the sun and watched it warp? Batteries can do a similar thing. If your battery looks swollen or bloated, it might have been exposed to extreme temperatures. This can affect its performance and, more importantly, could be a potential safety hazard.

The Nose Knows

A smell like rotten eggs coming from your car could be a sign that your battery is releasing gases due to an internal short or damage. If your vehicle starts channeling those breakfast vibes without the bacon and toast, it might be the battery sending those smelly signals.

Grab a New Car Battery From Your Ford Dealer

If you’re nodding along thinking, “Yep, my car is showing one (or more) of these signs,” it’s probably a good time to roll into your nearest service station. It’s always better to be a step ahead, and a sudden battery failure on a dark highway or in that spooky parking lot isn’t a situation anyone wants to be in.

Your Ford deserves the best care you can offer. A trip to the dealership offers the opportunity to give it a checkup, from checking the electrical systems connected to your battery to ensuring there are no other underlying issues that might be draining your battery faster. Schedule an appointment today at Nielson Ford of Morristown to keep your ride running smoothly!