Nielsen Ford of Morristown

Sep 22, 2023

Heading out on an adventure in your trusty Ford is nothing short of exhilarating. But as every seasoned driver knows, the miles we love taking in our Fords also bring wear and tear. Perhaps you’re reminiscing about the day you drove your car off the lot of your Ford dealer and are wondering if your Ford’s road grip is still as good as it used to be. Here’s a few signs that it might be time for new tires.

1. There Are Cracks and Grooves in the Sidewall

While most people keep an eagle eye on the tread, the sidewall often gets overlooked. Upon closer inspection, if you notice cracks or tracks on the tire’s sidewall, it’s an early warning of leaks or even potential blowouts. A compromised sidewall can seriously endanger the integrity of the tire.

2. There’s Excessive Noise

Your Ford was designed to offer a tranquil driving experience, so if you start hearing more noise than usual, especially a rhythmic thumping, it could be the tires’ way of signaling they have internal damage, or you’ve got a misalignment. Such disruptions not only detract from the driving pleasure but can be harbingers of much bigger issues to come.

3. You’re Hydroplaning Sometimes

As tires wear down, their ability to evacuate water underneath them as they roll reduces, leading to a higher risk of hydroplaning on wet surfaces. If your Ford seems to lose traction easily in rainy conditions these days, it’s not just the tread depth you should be concerned about, but also the quality of the remaining tread.

4. You’ve Got a Slower Response Time

One of the subtler signs that your tires might be on their way out is a noticeable lag or decrease in steering responsiveness. If you find that your Ford doesn’t respond as quickly to steering inputs as it once did, the tires might be losing their structural integrity.

5. Your Tire’s Calendar Life Is Up

Even if a tire looks impeccable, it can degrade due to age. The rubber compounds in a tire deteriorate over time and exposure to the elements, so the tire could be compromised irrespective of the tread you have left. If your Ford’s tires are approaching or have crossed the six-year mark, it’s wise to have them thoroughly inspected by a professional.

If any of these signs seem familiar, it’s time to call us at Nielsen Ford of Morristown. We’ll get right on it and make sure your tires are in good shape, everything is aligned and balanced, and you can be confident of your safety on the road. Don’t let old or damaged tires put you at risk or compromise your enjoyment of your Ford!